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afrol ·  Africa cliparts for KidZ

Download cool graphics and animations!
Or maybe you need a map or flag for your Africa website?


There are lots of free clipart sites on the web. But where do you go when you need somethig cool related to Africa? Like African animals, a map of Senegal or the flag of Egypt....

Watch out kids and webmasters! afrol has made the best collection of Africa related graphics! You can copy it and use it for your website or in your mail to impress your friends... Guess they don't know what the flag of Burkina Faso looks like?

Just remember that, if you publish the graphics on your website, you must write that it is copyrighted by afrol.com. Then, it's all for free! Have fun!!

How do I copy a graphic?
It's really easy! But it depends on the browser (program) you are using to see this site.
» Using a pc with Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer, click on the graphic with the right mouse button and a menu will appear. Choose "Save Image" and choose the place where on your computer you want to save it. That's it!
» Using a Mac, click for some time on the graphic, and a menu will appear. Choose "Save Image" and choose the place where on your Mac you want to save it. That's it!

Cool stuff


This page features animal graphics. There are now 16 graphics on this page.


This page features animations of different types, mostly animals. There are now 10 animations on this page.


This page features humoristic graphics. There are now 5 animations and graphics on this page.

Professional stuff for your website


Here, you'll find a list of the African countries that have their ClipArt page on afrol. The country pages feature flag and maps in all sizes and colors.


This page features African flags. There are now 38 graphics on this page (almost every African country - those missing will come very soon).


These pages feature continental, regional and country maps in all colors and sizes. The download/copying of maps is free, but republishing a few of them requires a copyright note linking to afrol.com. There are now around 100 graphics on these pages.



More graphics:

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